Just a blog about…

So my journey continues…

Today started with me actually getting up and putting on my make-up before leaving the house. (GO ME!)

I left home not wanting to be late for work and that goal was accomplished!!!

So, as my work day started it was pretty much set in stone (2 days ago) that my day was going to be pretty boring and long. Either way, I had already planned for this day.  With that being said as I settled in at the front desk 😦 I then I realize that I had left my memory stick at home. Now my whole day is completely down the drain. (not really…just for a few seconds…lol) My memory stick holds all my personal business that I needed for this day. I had planned on writing a little bit for my book and then of course send out resumes as I searched for a new JOB. What to do now?

I still managed to do my job search (made notes and point of contact information) and now the only thing I have to do at home is dedicate some time to sending out cover letters along with resumes to the positions I found this morning. I had planned on going to the gym after work and burning off some of my lunch that I ate (haha) but, with the set back of not having my electronic resume that might not happen this evening.

Well as I sit here at work we had a baby shower. Yes, I did well and turned down all the cookies and ice cream. That didn’t work I was give three cookies that I really don’t want to eat.  (the cookies are looking at me and saying eat ME!!!)  Heck what do I do now…eating these cookies are not an option. They don’t look tasty at all. (SORRY)  Instead of throwing them away I have now neatly placed them in my lunch bag. Lets see how they go over at HOME!

This blog wasn’t to exciting…I just wanted to blog!  Enjoy the read and your day!!